
Loomis-Martin Post 188

Member Discount Programs

All veterans who serve their country are entitled to certain benefits, but those who join The American Legion have additional ones. Legionnaires qualify for a variety of services and special offers, ranging from health-care aid to discounts on computers and electronics.

Click here to learn more: http://www.legion.org/benefits


**Visits to Aspirus Urgent Care clinics or walk-in locations in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan are now covered for eligible veterans through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Community Care Network. You can still receive care at your VA facility but now you have the option of visiting a clinic closer to home. Urgent Care Benefit covers illnesses/injuries that need immediate attention but are not life-threatening such as strep throat, ear infections, minor injuries, flu shots, etc. For more information contact Richard Strehlow, 1st District Service Officer, at 262-641-0977.  **


Walworth County Veterans Services Office   1910 County Road NN  Elkhorn, WI 53121

(262) 741-4222    Email:  veterans@co.walworth.wi.us 


Supportive Resources for Suicide

Walworth County Crises Line  (262) 741-3200

Hopeline TextLine - text HOPELINE to 741741

Veterans Crises Line (800) 273-8255 (press 1)


Dental and Life Insurance Plans

The VA offers a group-plan for dental and MetLife insurance programs, VADIP.



1st District Service Officer Benefit Updates

Additional information on Agent Orange and other dioxin-containing herbicides in Guam. 

Revamped policy for those exposed to mustard gas and lewisite experimentations during WWII.

The Dental Lifeline Network helps to provide free dental services to eligible veterans. Their number is 303-534-5360.

A "Green Altert" would set up a system to help find missing veterans. This is in the works in Congress.


**For additional information on any of these items, please contact Adjutant Gary Wendorf (414-217-4323 or gwendorf5@wi.rr.com ) or Richard Strelow (262-641-0977)